The Everything Focaccia


Our famous sea salt sourdough focaccia has been reworked to season with, well, everything! If you're familiar with an 'everything' seasoned bagel, you'll catch our drift. This focaccia has our standard sea salt sourdough focaccia dough base, and is drizzled with Mt Zero olive oil, but is sprinkled with salty, nutty goodness - poppyseeds, white and black sesame seeds, dried onion and garlic, and sea salt.

A total crowd favourite, we challenge anyone to not get on board with this flavour. Feeds up to 6 as a side, or 2-3 as a main.

An absolute banger of a side dish alongside a meal, or enjoyed as the main event with some dips & cheese, or as the base for a sandwich. We could eat this entire thing in one sitting (and by ‘could’, we mean, ‘we do, regularly’).

(PS. Some of our friends have eaten our whole large slab of focaccia in 5 minutes flat, and then lay on the floor in a food coma for the rest of the night. That’s what this bread does to people. You’ve been warned!).

This focaccia can only be delivered in the Late Risers timeslot due to its longer proving and fermentation process. Please keep this in mind and plan your ordering accordingly!

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Ingredients:: wheat flour, water, salt, olive oil, yeast, poppy seeds, white sesame seeds, black sesame seeds, dried onion flakes, dried garlic granules.